The frequency 528 Hz is for Transformation, Miracles & DNA Repair-
528 Hz frequency can promote physical healing on a cellular level.
It is associated with 3rd Chakra –Solar Plexus. It heals stomach and liver.
Mi is said to come from the Latin word Mira gestorum, or “miracle”, which is fitting for this frequency that brings what might be called miraculous transformation, not only in our consciousness – but in our very DNA.
528 Hz is used in DNA repair, which brings with it increased energy, clarity and peace of mind and spirit, along with enhanced creativity. 528 Hz’s effects have also earned it the name the “Love frequency”.
528 Hz is associated with: –
DNA repair and restoration.
Soothing and relaxing.
Promoting harmony and balance within the body’s cellular structure.
Stimulating the body’s natural healing process.
Encouraging cell regeneration and repair.
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